The Future of Our Planet: Why Teaching Kids Clean Habits Makes a World of Difference


It is estimated that at least 260 million tonnes of plastic is produced per annum. Sadly enough, this figure continues to rise year after year. What’s most shocking however is that half of the plastic we use is only used once before it gets discarded. Every year, the amount of plastic that is thrown away is enough to circle the earth four times. But where does plastic go when we don’t need it anymore? It certainly doesn’t evaporate into thin air. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

Plastic takes at least 500 years to degrade. Discarded plastic often makes its way into the ocean and other bodies of water which disrupts natural ecosystems causing environmental devastation. Approximately 90% of all the trash floating on the earth’s surface is plastic. Statistics show that plastic accounts for 10% of the total waste humans generate on our planet. Currently, the global population consists of over 7 billion people with at least 200,000 being born every single day. The more people there are on earth, the more pollution there is destroying our environment. That is unless we do something about it.

So, what can humans do to reduce plastic pollution? This is a question that should be on all of our minds. If things continue the way they are, more and more species of plants and animals will face extinction. And eventually, it will be us.

The bright side is that there are many ways that we as individuals can start to reduce pollution simply by altering our daily lifestyles and choices – and this is in no way exclusive to adults. Children are the future generation of our planet. So, naturally, it’s vital that we educate our children about the dangers of pollution instead of shying away from the facts or taking the “it’s-not-my-problem” approach. Furthermore, it’s up to us as parents to instil in our youths the values and insights needed to combat harmful patterns and make more informed, sustainable decisions.

Enter: Ray, an eight-year old girl in South Africa (or Nature’s Child as she is otherwise known) who wants to make a positive difference by spreading more awareness to her age-group – and the world at large.

“As the next generation, we have got to get into some clean habits,” says Ray in this insightful video. Find out how you can help to reduce pollution in your daily life by watching it below: